Zone In Columbus:

Phase One Passes, But the Push for Affordable Housing Continues

Celebration in Order! In case you missed it, the BIA is proud to share that Phase One of the Zone In initiative was unanimously passed by Columbus City Council in late July. This is a major victory for our city and a crucial step towards addressing our critical housing shortage. 

We are proud that the BIA was instrumental in the passage of Phase One. Our active involvement included: 


  • Serving on the Zoning Advisory Committee with members Leah Evans and Brent Sobczak.  

  • Collaborating closely with city staff and community stakeholders to shape the code changes. 

  • Providing detailed written comments to the city and conducted comprehensive outreach to City Council members. 

  • Hosting a tour and briefing with the development community at the Zone In Columbus exhibit, to ensure our members' perspectives were heard. 


These efforts culminated in the successful passage of the Phase One of Columbus Zone In, a significant step forward for our city. 


“All of us will benefit from clear, understandable rules and regulations that expedite quality housing construction and optimize the value of arterial corridors. Mayor Ginther, Columbus City Council led by Council President Pro Tem and Zoning Committee Chair Rob Dorans, and City Staff deserve our appreciation for their hard work and willingness to challenge the status quo.    


But let’s not stop here. Much of Columbus remains burdened by outdated code. We must create new housing opportunities in every corner of the City.“ - Jon Melchi, BIA President 


Phase One's Impact: While Phase One focuses on just three main streets in downtown Columbus, it lays the groundwork for a more efficient and equitable development landscape across the city. Zone In will: 

  • Streamline development: Crystal-clear and consistent zoning regulations will eliminate the need for developers to navigate a labyrinth of time-consuming variances. This translates to faster project approvals, saving developers time and money, ultimately benefiting renters and buyers. 

  • Increase housing options: Phase One paves the way for a wider variety of housing options, including taller buildings along major corridors. This will help meet the growing demand for housing in Columbus, providing residents with more choices to fit their needs and budgets. 

  • Promote affordable housing: The new zoning code prioritizes affordable housing development. Developers who include a designated percentage of affordable units in their projects will be eligible for additional height allowances. This economic incentive aims to stimulate the creation of much-needed housing options for low and moderate-income residents. 

The Marathon Continues: While Phase One is a significant win, it's merely the first leg of the journey. Here's what's next: 

  • Phase Two: Full Steam Ahead! The BIA will continue to be a vocal advocate for Phase Two, which will focus on expanding Zone In principles to neighborhoods outside of downtown. This broader application will ensure all residents benefit from increased housing options and a more vibrant city. By introducing a wider range of housing types in various neighborhoods, we can create a more inclusive Columbus that caters to residents across the economic spectrum. 

  • Focus on affordability: The BIA remains laser-focused on ensuring that Zone In delivers on its promise of creating more affordable housing options. We will work hand-in-hand with the City Council to develop effective strategies to achieve this goal. Strategies may include establishing clear benchmarks for the percentage of affordable units required in new developments and exploring financial assistance programs for developers who prioritize affordability. 

Stay Engaged in the Fight: We need your continued support as we push for Phase Two and ensure Zone In benefits all residents. We will keep you updated on upcoming opportunities to get involved, such as attending community meetings or contacting your City Council representatives. 

Together, we can build a Columbus with a wider range of housing options that are accessible to everyone, from young professionals to growing families to retirees on fixed incomes. Let's keep the momentum going! 

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